
Photograph by Jane Phillips
Hampton Sides is editor-at-large of Outside
magazine and author of the bestseller
Ghost Soldiers, about the 1945 mission to rescue American
survivors of the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. He won
the 2002 PEN USA award for nonfiction and was named a Discover
Great New Writers author by Barnes & Noble. His magazine work
has been nominated for the National Magazine Award for feature
writing in 2003 and 2004. His stories have appeared in Esquire,
The New Yorker, Men’s Journal, Preservation, and on NPR's
"All Things Considered." Sides is also the author of
Stomping Grounds (William Morrow) and the editor Why
Moths Hate Thomas Edison—And Other Urgent Inquiries Into the Odd
Nature of Nature (W.W. Norton/Outside Books). A native
of Memphis, Sides lives in New Mexico with his wife, Anne, and
their three sons. He is now at work on a narrative history about
the conquest and exile of the Navajos.
Photograph by Eric Swanson