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[about the authors]

Mark London (left) and Brian Kelly
Mark London (left) and Brian Kelly

Mark London is a trial lawyer in Washington, DC. He is a graduate of Amherst College and The George Washington University Law School.

Brian Kelly is the executive editor of U.S. News & World Report. He has worked as an editor for the Washington Post and was editor of Regardie's, a Washington, D.C. monthly. He has also been a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, and began his journalism career at the Daily Register, in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Kelly is the author of the book Adventures in Porkland, a study of pork barrel politics on Capitol Hill. He is a graduate of Georgetown University.

In addition to The Last Forest, Kelly and London wrote The Four Little Dragons: Inside Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore at the Dawn of the Pacific Century (1989, Simon and Schuster), an exploration of the developing economies of Asia, and Amazon (1983, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich), the first book ever written for a general audience on the conflict between the economic development and environmental preservation of the rainforest.


The Amazon in the
Age of Globalization

By Mark London and
Brian Kelly

Random House

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