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[wrestling links]

Here’s a guide to the best of old school or Golden Age wrestling—the grunt and groan game in Gorgeous George’s day—online. If you know of more or other sites fans should be aware of, please shoot me an email at, and I’ll add ‘em to the list.

Cauliflower Alley Club (retired wrestlers and their fans).

(Internet radio) Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio, Co-hosted by Dr. MikeLano, Sundays 7-9PM
Slam! Wrestling Includes truly expert contributions from authors Greg Oliver and Steve Johnson.

Wrestling Classics: includes Wrestling As You Like It, curated by pre-eminent wrestling historian J Michael Kenyon.
Kayfabe Memories is a nostalgia site with message boards, and an Old School Book Reviews section. See also: Kayfabe Discussion Groups

Online World of Wrestling, Formerly known as

Wrestling Figs: Your online wrestling figure and news source, as they put it.

The Wrestling Observer: Deals with both new school or the current WWE and other wrestling circuits, as well as Golden Age material, run by Dave Meltzer.
Note: Dave Meltzer’s outfit also does an internet radio show,, hosted primarily by Bryan Alvarez. PWI is Pro Wrestling Illustrated Run by eminent wrestling publisher  Scott Teal of the Crowbar Press, publisher of some of the best books and nostalgia journals. Stands for National Wrestling Alliance. Promotes a series of live, nostalgia events which featured past stars making personal appearances and signing autographs. Gary Will is a Toronto based historian with a keen interest in the past—see the obits section. Jason Campbell reveals the mat past, with particular emphasis on the McMahon territory, from its early WWWF days onward.

Regional sites:  
“A relatively new site, by Steve Hall, which vows "to keep old school wrestling alive," especially along the Atlantic seaboard.
Championship Wrestling from Florida, covers the halcyon period 1960s thru 1980s of grappling in that state.
Devoted to Memphis.

Skews younger, more recent...
Pro Wrestling torch, also skews younger.

The NY Daily News runs a wrestling column by “The Slammer,’’ (in his picture he wears a mask), and this site

Copyright 2008 John Capouya ! A Booknoise Website ! Buy the Book: Amazon, Powells, Barnes and Noble, Borders