What we do Booknoise makes Web sites for good books. Despite everyone's best intentions, important new books can end up under the radar. Booknoise's staff of editors and designers is committed to making sure authors have tools to get out the best news about their books when it matters most: immediately. Who needs us? Booknoise is for authors, publishers, and literary agents who want to create a presence on the Web for their books. A Booknoise site is a mini-magazine about your book, crafted to your specifications. Booknoise is also for readers, who can count on us to refer them to some of the best new books. The high quality of the books with Booknoise websites means that the media and readers look for good books here. How we do it Booknoise creates a professional Web site about your book. Each site includes the information that you decide (with the guidance of our editors) will best sell your book. Excerpts, author interviews, reviews, bibliographies, photos or illustrations, book blurbs, links to related sites, material that didn't make it into the book, and ancillary facts about the topic, blogs, discussion groups, audio and video, can appear on your site. Our editors and designers will help guide you to achieve what you want, but the bottom line is that the choices are yours. Visit our Rates and Services page for more specifics on our various templated or custom sites, and on how much each costs. Or email us your questions at marketing@booknoise.net.
Where the Wild Things Were Let Them In Breathing the Fire Bottlemania Dreams and Shadows The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor Looking for the Heart of Brotherly Love By Bruce Buschel High Tea in Mosul: Opening Day: The Last Forest: The Way to Win : One Party Country: The Swamp: A People's History of Science: Lance Armstrong's War: The Survivor: Garbage Land: