THE WAY TO WIN Taking the White House in 2008
Mark Halperin and
John F. Harris
Random House
Mark Halperin on
The Colbert Report
Comedy Central
11:30 p.m. ET
Michiko Kakutani, the New York Times: "Smart, savvy... revealing."
Wall Street Journal: "A well-sourced, dispassionate look at the grim realities of running for president. . . . They have written a book for people like them, people 'obsessed with electoral strategy and maneuver, not to mention with the gaudy carnival of presidential elections.' But the general reader can learn a lot too."
New York Post: "A forward-looking field manual for candidates planning a presidential run." Austin American-Statesman: "Thoroughly convincing. . . . Engaging prose. . . . gripping." New York Sun: "An appetizing new book …[It] overflows with advice to the start-up candidate for the presidency, and it elucidates the electioneering of Bill Clinton and George Bush."
Rocky Mountain News: "Deep analysis of the trade secrets any contender will need to secure the highest office in the land. . . brilliant research. . . .insider details . . . far deeper than what readers can pick up from mainstream news sources. This is a window into the back room shenanigans politicians and their hired hands use to win elections, dirty tricks and all. Grade: A."
Slate: "A...book that anyone seriously interested in the mechanics of contemporary politics ought to read."
The Nation: "Contains a razor-sharp analysis of the upper stratum of American politics available nowhere else.
Publishers Weekly: "Halperin (ABC News) and Harris (the Washington Post and The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House) illustrate "trade secrets" to political victory with this penetrating examination of the personal lives and political histories of the biggest names in recent presidential politics. From the losers (John Kerry and Al Gore, defeated because they "lost control of their public images") to the potential winners (Hillary Clinton, who, they assert, will have a significant fund-raising and fame advantage if she runs in 2008), the authors extract canny lessons in political strategy. But they offer particularly valuable insights into inadequately understood players like Matt Drudge, whom the authors credit as one of the greatest forces behind the Clinton impeachment and the Gore and Kerry losses, and Karl Rove, a man who, regardless of one's politics, "deserves unique notice for one reason: he is an exceptionally good political strategist." The authors' analyses are savvy and unsentimental, without collapsing into cynicism. Though very topical, the book's comprehensiveness should make it a lasting piece of scholarship—an in-depth, indefatigable examination of American media and politics at the turn of the millennium."
Some have links to recordings and transcripts.
October 3, 2006
Good Morning America
Thursday, October 5
12 Noon
Makor/Steinhardt Center of the 92nd Street Y
35 W. 67th Street
New York NY 10023
Lou Dobbs
Charlie Rose
Friday, October 6
7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
2289 Broadway
New York, NY 10024
Sunday, October 8
Late Edition on CNN
Monday, October 9
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
National Constitution Center
525 Arch Street Independence Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Wednesday, October 11
7:30 a.m.
C-SPAN Washington Journal
7 p.m.
Politics & Prose Bookstore
5015 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Saturday, October 14
Bloomberg's Political Capital
Sunday, October 15
10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
CNN Reliable Sources
Bloomberg's Political Capital
Monday, October 16
6:50 a.m.
Wednesday, October 18
1 p.m. ET
John F. Harris Live Talk on newsweek.com
Thursday, October 19
7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. ET
NY1's Inside City Hall
10 pm to 11 pm ET
The Jim Bohannon Show
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